Safest procedure...Advanced pre-operative testing...Making laser vision correction safer than ever!
The Goldberg Centre is pleased to offer the most advanced surgery pre-screening in North America
The ORA and Avellino DNA Tests are invaluable screening methods for helping us improve the SAFETY of our patient’s health and life decisions.
The Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) is the only instrument in the world capable of measuring Corneal Hysteresis (CH); an indication of the biomechanical properties of the cornea. We are pleased to be able to offer our patients this next-generation technique for analyzing the cornea. For optimal laser vision correction results, the cornea must meet certain requirements for thickness, rigidity and strength. The ORA helps us achieve the best possible results from the LASEK procedure, as well as providing another tool to help us identify those who are good candidates for Laser Vision Correction.
Avellino DNA Test is a cutting edge DNA test that provides fast, safe, and affordable evaluations of patients’ genetic pre-disposition that causes Avellino Corneal Dystrophy – also known as ACD. While ACD usually develops slowly, carriers of this genetic mutation are at an extremely high risk of accelerated opacity formations, should they undergo vision correction surgery. Fortunately the AGDS Test positively identifies with 100 percent accuracy if a person has the genetic condition. This test reduces the risk of patients with the ACD mutation having post-laser vision correction impairment and increases confidence that they are avoiding unnecessary harm to their vision.
Keeping up to date with state-of-the-art technology is a direct reflection of our dedication that
YOUR SAFETY is our absolute highest priority!
For more information call : 416 412 4441
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